Green Ants

By Damian Herrington

Nature’s Engineers and When to Consider Pest Control

Green ants, also known as weaver ants, are fascinating creatures renowned for their impressive nest-building abilities and complex social structures. These ants are an essential part of the ecosystem. However, their presence can sometimes become a nuisance, especially if they decide to build their nests in your garden or home. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of green ants, how to coexist with them, and when it might be time to consider professional pest control.

What Are Green Ants?

Green ants, scientifically known as Oecophylla smaragdinaare easily recognisable by their bright green abdomens and reddish-brown bodies. They are known for their ability to construct intricate nests using living leaves, which they weave together with silk produced by their larvae. These nests are often found in high trees, but green ants have been known to build in more inconvenient locations, like homes and gardens.

Ecological Benefits of Green Ants

Despite their sometimes bothersome behaviour, green ants play a vital role in the environment. They are natural pest controllers, feeding on various insects that could otherwise damage plants.

In addition to their pest control benefits, green ants also contribute to the ecosystem by providing for birds, reptiles, and other wildlife. Their nests can also offer shelter to other organisms, adding to the biodiversity of their habitats.

Coexisting with Green Ants

If you’ve noticed green ants in your garden or on your property, it’s important to assess whether they pose a problem or if they can be left alone. In many cases, green ants can coexist peacefully with humans, especially if they are located in areas they are not direct nuisance.

Here are few tips to avoid unwanted encounter with green ants:

  • Keep Food Sources Sealed: Green ants are attracted to food, especially sweet and sugary substances. Ensure that food is stored in airtight containers and that spills are cleaned up promptly.
  • Trim Vegetation: Green ants often travel along tree branches and vegetation. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed back from your home to prevent ants from finding their way inside.
  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for cracks and gaps where ants might enter. Seal these entry points to prevent ants from finding their way indoors.
  • Avoid Disturbing Nests: If you spot a green ant nest, it’s best to leave it undisturbed. Green ants are very territorial and can become aggressive if they feel their nest is threatened. 

When to Consider Pest Control

While green ants are generally beneficial, there are situations where their presence can become problematic. If they have built nests in your home or an area where they pose a direct threat to your comfort or safety, it may be time to consider professional pest control.

Our team is experienced in safely and effectively removing green ant nests while minimising harm to the surrounding environment. If you find green ants becoming a problem in your home or garden, don’t hesitate to reach Integrity Pest Control Bowen for assistance.


Green ants are incredible creatures that contribute significantly to their ecosystems. However, when they intrude on our living spaces, they can become unwelcome guests.

By taking preventative measures, you can often avoid conflicts with these industrious insects. But if green ants are causing you trouble, we’re here to help with professional pest control solutions. 

Contact us today at 0429 623 315 to discuss your options and ensure your home remains ant protected. 

To learn more about the services we offer, visit this link.